New Single release – for Christmas

Well here we are at that time of year! Peace and goodwill towards all people? Well the current (almost perpetual) state of the world seems to contradict that!

The song took shape, as many great songs do, around the dining table decked with pizza, crisps, red wine and Guinness! Diarmuid O’Leary, Ida Viant, Kym Wilson-deRoze and Roger Huxley all together for songs and social. This was pre-pandemic and the changes inflicted on us diverted us from recording and completing it. Proposals for a decent lead singer fell flat: some backing vocal recordings fell even flatter!

So Mr Sparkler took the mic and bashed it down in LogicPro, made a video in Filmora and now presents it to y’all.

It will be released in audio form through all the usual outlets: Spotify, Amazon Music etc in the next few days. I can’t put it on Youtube because I will get a Copyright Strike from my publishers. So this is a low-res version. It might slow the page-loading – but what the heck!

Have a lovely Christmas. Let me know what you think. If anyone has recording projects or collaborations – please contact me in the commnets.

God bless y’all,

Roger (Mr Sparkler)

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