It’s now Day 15 of my “Enhanced Recovery” following a Partial Knee Replacement at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital. What’s my take on all this?
The surgery, performed by Mr Sanjay and his team, was a breeze. Ha ha – it must of been the drugs!!! epidural with the trimmings. The wonderful Anaesthetist was true to his word when he said “he would send me to Fairyland”. For me, the whole operation was done in a flash and I woke up just a little drowsy. Looking at the clock, I’d been with the fairies for just over an hour. The first phase was made more pleasant by a couple of cups of coffee and some lively nursing staff checking my vitals. I consumed a mini-pack of biscuits and a sandwich which had the character of shoe-liner and required a full 7oz cup of water to introduce it into my gizzard.
Ah bless the NHS Catering Corps. Ironic, as for several years I’d been a proud Catering Manager in several hospitals “back in the day”. When fresh-cooked tasty, recognisable food was both enjoyable and nutritious. The emphasis today seems focussed on fancy packaging and slick logistical systems. In reality it’s all produced in an anonymous, grey factory unit in Abertillery.
Rant over!
Sent home by a nurse who seemed more pledged to finishing her gruelling twelve hour shift than my anxieties of getting out of the place. No censure from me – they work those guys and gals to the bone. Eventually my darling, long-suffering angel-wife arrived and I was squeezed into the car. I’d been in the hospital for well over twelve hours by then. Not bad, I suppose, considering what had been done to me. I’d been cleared by the Physiotherapist by performing relevant tricks with the crutches – including walking up some steps. All systems go!!!
Back home it was with support from our friend and neighbour, Imran, that I managed to get over the threshold into home. Home had been modified for its new mission. We had a commode in the living room; perish the thought. A deep single mattress on the sofa bed and the back room rugs had been lifted and rolled up. A “Zimmer” lurked sheepishly in the corner of the back room. Thanks to friends for providing these new appliances.
In all honesty the next few days passed uncomfortably. The nights were the worse – sleep was not much relief. Physically I experienced general discomfort occasionally reaching 3 or 4 on the pain scale. Out of respect of those who live with true pain I prefer to refer to it as discomfort. I was diligent with my exercises. And flexibility and movement was returning; albeit a little spikily. The Hospital at Home Nurses were well-pleased with my attitude, wifely support and progress. . First thing she said was “get rid of that Zimmer! – that’s for old people!”. I hope they didn’t offend Dylan!
I made progress during the first four or five day: conquering the stairs. Kym had conversed with the Mother of Invention – Zappa was out that day – and hung belts from the landing balustrade to help me up and down. We have no stair rail.
Gradually my confidence grew and I was able to use one crutch inside and when courage plucked, two crutches outside; weather permitting! I’ve been able to keep myself busy with guitar-playing, music and reading and of course the old telly. I’ve subscribed to on online Christian Music songwriting course and have got some great ideas and am developing a couple of those (watch this space). One continuing issue has been to stay comfortable, warm and well-fed. Also Kym took responsibility for my pain management. Ibuprofen here, Paracetomol there, Oxy nowhere, Gabapentin back in the box, two hours here, four hours there. Needless to say a clipboard has been involved! Thanks to Kym that has been most satisfactory. I’ve neither over-dosed of been stuck in pain.
We’re now into Week 3 and proper physio starts on Monday. Today, Sunday, we aim to squeeze into the car and go to Church. Last night I was almost able to sleep in my most comfortable position; on my left side – but my legs – (both legs as the Left Knee is almost as bad as the Right was) – got in the way!
God bless y’all from your old buddies, Roger and Kym
Please let me know your thoughts or experiences.